MLAANZ is a not-for-profit association, comprising over 500 members from Australia, New Zealand and several other countries. Its members include representatives of major exporters, shipping companies, port operators, ship, cargo and liability insurers, lawyers, judges, academics and government and defence agencies. The Association's objectives include: supporting and advancing reforms in maritime law and its administration, facilitating the unification and harmonization of maritime and commercial law internationally, and of maritime customs, usages and practices, facilitating justice in the maritime sector, and furnishing a forum for the discussion and consideration of issues affecting participants in the maritime sector. For more information, please go to About.
~ N O T I C E B O A R D ~
IMLAM MOOT 2025 ANNOUNCEDThe University of Sydney is to host this year's IMLAM Moot over 6-11 July. Deadline for registrations is 11 February.
READ ALL ABOUT IT – sEMAPHORE DECEMBER 2024 PUBLISHEDRead the packed lastest edition here. Included within is a Q&A on Colin Biggers & Paisley consultant Stuart Hetherington, for which a teaser video can be viewed below.
JOURNALKeep abreast of the latest Australian and New Zealand Maritime Law Journal, via the publication's website.
MLAANZ POLICIESA series of policies are being drafted by the MLAANZ Executive to outline expectations of aligned conduct and behaviour in a range of specific areas. These are being progressively published in \About\Polices.
CALL TO ACTION FOR MLAANZ SURVEY PARTICIPANTSIf you participated in the recent MLAANZ membership survey (thank you), can you please read and action the following as necessary. BOARD UPDATESTwo new appointments to the MLAANZ Board were confirmed at the AGM held during the 49th annual federal conference in Queenstown during October 2024. We welcome John Knight (MLAANZ New Zealand vice-president) and Charlie Street (Sydney barrister). All standing Board members also returned. Please view the full list of office holders here.
CALL FOR SEMAPHORE "COMMENTATORS"MLAANZ is establishing a database of members happy to be called upon to provide comment on topical issues covered in Semaphore, that would be relevant to their particular areas of knowledge and experience. Involvement should not be too onerous and would be in the form of one of the Semaphore team sending an E-mail with typically a couple/few questions for the member's input. Please review this E-notice for a further briefing and for details of how to become involved.
Arbitrator UPDATESNovember 2024-updated MLAANZ Panel of Arbitrators.
Pending EVENTSIMLAM Moot 2025 | The University of Sydney, 6-11 July | Read more JOIN USMLAANZ welcomes new members from any profession or industry with an interest in maritime and shipping law.